It’s All About You, Gorgeous.
Swankify your Story. Snatch this killer-diller deal for a sexy About Page.
Hear ye, hear ye!
If you’re a soulful, passionate, creative entrepreneur, chances are, you’re not just selling a widget in a box… you’re sparking others with your truth… you’re sharing your greatest gifts… you’re making a living living a vision. Which makes your About page ultra-important! Your prospective clients want to know about YOU and all the reasons why you’re the bonafide bee’s knees.
But alack and alas! How does one write an About page about one’s self? How do you convey just how phenomenally marvelous you are — while retaining your authenticity, humility, and genuine radiance?
This happens to be my specialty and delight. I’m tickled pink to get to know my clients. I’ve honed my skill at asking the juicy questions that illuminate their unique gifts. And I’ll lovingly craft it into a powerful, persuasive piece. What you get is far more than a well-worded resume. It’s a declaration of your awesomeness. It’s a reflection of your imprint in the world — with all its quirky corners and enticing depth. It’s a sonnet that sings to your clients in your very own voice.
This week, I’m offering a simple, sweet deal on About pages, including:
- Luxurious one-hour creativity session with me. Spill your story. I’ll listen deeply, question keenly, and we’ll both delight over the marvel that is you.
- Whip-smart initial draft of your masterpiece.
- Two rounds of revisions: I’ll work with you to make sure it’s Goldilocks-just-right.
- 3 specific recommendations on how to language yourself and your branding beyond your About page.
Your gift to yourself: $250. I can only offer 3 spots at this price. Payment’s due in full to secure your spot on my calendar. We’ll meet over tea or Skype in the first two weeks of November to begin our work together, and you can expect it sparkly, polished, and ready to debut by the end of the month (sooner if you feed me chocolate).
Seconds? If you’re one of the lucky 3 to snag this deal and want an additional page for your website, it’s all yours for $200.
Ready, Freddy? Curious, George? Contact me to ask questions or set up our date.
“Angela is a superstar…and your opportunity is now.” ~ Bari Tessler Linden. Financial Therapist, Coach, and Mommypreneur
Help yourself to this deal while it’s still hot ‘n gooey. It’s better that way.