Mahvelous Maven Magnificence

Jiminy Cricket, What a Year!

Only 4 short months ago, I officially launched myself as a freelance web writer. In 2 weeks, I was booked solid. I began struttin’ my gifts and putting them to worthy use.  I magnetized the best clients a girl could hope for.  And the world responded with a gleeful Hell, Yeah!
Sharing your gifts is so soul-satisfying. That’s why I want to help you flaunt yours.

~ My Holiday Gift to You ~

Enjoy my signature Maven package at 2011 prices

Here’s the scrumdiddlyumptious scoop:

The Maven Package

Launching a new site?  Need a classy makeover for the one you’ve got?  Get a robust, mini-site worth of words, all consistently branded with guts and gusto.  Sparks fly, products sell, and you get an integrated website that fits just right. Includes:

  • 2 creative sessions ~ Great copy starts with deep listening. I pose provocative questions that coax all your unique gifts to the light.  Your answers and my wordsmithing make your site sing a tune all your own.
  • Homepage copy ~ Welcome your prospects with the swankiest red carpet.
  • About Page ~ Flaunt your gifts!  Enticing’s easy when you radiate your passion.
  • 2 additional pages ~ Services, Approach, Ode to the Hula Hoop… whatever you fancy.
  • 2 Rounds of Edits ~ I’ll fine-tune and polish ’till we get it Goldilocks-just-right.

Need more pages?  Mavens get a sweet ‘n easy discount.

The Juicy Details

  • I can only offer 2 spots at this price.  (Bask in your exclusivity.)
  • First half payment due to secure your spot on my calendar.  (Second half payment’s due when your copy’s gleaming and you’re beaming.)
  • We’ll begin our creative collaboration in January.  (The rest of December’s for dancing, dreaming, and sugarplum fairy-ing.)

Contact me today to snag the last spot!

When I signed up for the Maven package I was a little concerned about investing what to me was a big chunk into my small business. I can now wholeheartedly say: this was the best investment I’ve ever made into both my life and my business. I am so glad I did!

She is a visionary entrepreneur’s DREAM. If you’re ready to clarify your message, get it out to the world, or amp up your web presence, you’ve GOT to work with her! My one critique for her is: WOMAN, YOU’VE GOT TO CHARGE WAY MORE for your services!!! ~ Indigo Serenity Bacal. Maestra of Feminine Magic. Midwife of Your Magnificence

Want more?  Bask in the glow of my shimmering wall of praise.

One last spot for January! Contact me today. You’ll be glad you did. xoxo

Vox Sessions now open for Spring! Enneagram + copy = BAM.Amp my voice.