Angela’s copywriting comes from some cosmic place that may have been birthed by the junction of a master wordsmith and an alien who definitely grokked the big picture of our planet and its eccentricities.
I am unabashedly in love with her writing.
I would run (not walk) to start working with her. She is a superstar in the making–and your opportunity is now.
A samurai poet.
She occupies a unique niche that combines inspired intuition, intellect, insight, and entelechy. Just hire her.
A visionary entrepreneur’s DREAM. You’ve GOT to work with her!
Holy shit. Unbelievably awesome. I cannot recommend her enough.
She is truly a wordsmithing ninja. Words can’t express my gratitude. And if they could, I would hire her again to write them down.
Angela is the seamless integration of the always-already awesome and the ever-awesomer awesome in a single nondual expression of awesomeness.